Hi All,,
I need to get F4 help for Month and drop down for Year.
so i created the same redefing the GET_V and GET_P for month and year fields.
issue is i am i am getting F4 and Drop down but even after selecting the value from f4/ Drop down, the value doesnt appear on web ui..
pls find the screen shot of the problem and the codes
METHOD get_v_month.
DATA : ls_map TYPE if_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr=>gtype_param_mapping,
lt_inmap TYPE if_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr=>gtype_param_mapping_tab,
lt_outmap TYPE if_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr=>gtype_param_mapping_tab.
ls_map-context_attr = 'STRUCT.MONTH'.
ls_map-f4_attr = 'VALUE'.
APPEND ls_map TO : lt_inmap,
CREATE OBJECT rv_valuehelp_descriptor
TYPE cl_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr
iv_help_id = 'ZDHS_F4_MONTH'
iv_help_id_kind = if_bsp_wd_valuehelp_f4descr=>help_id_kind_callback
iv_input_mapping = lt_inmap
iv_output_mapping = lt_outmap
iv_trigger_submit = abap_true.
METHOD get_p_month.
CASE iv_property.
WHEN if_bsp_wd_model_setter_getter=>fp_onclick.
rv_value = 'toemployee'.
Any help is appreciated..