Hi, SAP CRM Community
I need to add two additional attributes to PRIOQR/SearchResult view. One of them is a text field and the second one is a dropdown pick-list. User should be able to type some text inside of this text field and choose one of default values from the pick list.
In order to do that I added two value node attributes to RESULT context node and defined the as text field and pick list accordingly. Now, since PRIOQR/SearchResult is based originally on BOL Product (model node), and I have added two value node attributes, this automatically switched
RESULT context node to mixed mode node. So, in order to let UI to achieve values of my attributes I made some code modification in GET_%ATTR_NAME%( ) methods for both of attributes. Now I can reach the value node inside of mixed mode node.
The problem is that I can't enable these two attributes for edit. I tried to play with GET_I_%ATTR_NAME%( ) of each of attributes, GET_I_TABLE( ) method of RESULT context node table and also I tried to define some parameters inside CHTMLB:TableExtention of BPS-page, that look logically related to the subject:
<chtmlb:tableExtention> <chtmlb:configTable> displayMode = "FALSE" allRowsEditable = "TRUE" selectionMode = "MULTILINEEDIT" </chtmlb:configTable></chtmlb:tableExtention>
So, how can I enable specific column to be editable inside of mixed mode node table context node?