I found this code that the standard use to raise the event:
ref_event->set_name( param1-value ). ContactStarted
ref_event->add_param( name = 'Parameter1' value = param2-value ). "#EC NOTEXT
ref_event->add_param( name = 'Parameter2' value = param3-value ). "#EC NOTEXT 0556b19-935a-4244-95a7-1f3564b8ca2d
ref_event->add_param( name = 'Parameter3' value = param4-value ). "#EC NOTEXT
ref_event->add_param( name = 'Parameter4' value = param5-value ). "#EC NOTEXT +892150
ref_event->add_param( name = 'Parameter5' value = param6-value ). "#EC NOTEXT Outbound
ref_event_service = cl_crm_ic_services=>get_event_srv_instance( ). O:2430*\CLASS=CL_CRM_IC_EVENT}
I just need to know what is thi string, "0556b19-935a-4244-95a7-1f3564b8ca2d" is the contact?
If is the contact there is a method to get this string so I can pass to the event?