In the Get-methode for this field this can be done. Eventually this method needs to be created with a right mouse-click on the attribute name in the component workbench.
It would have been not necessary to extend the structure of BTAdminI if you don't want to save the new value to the database. A new value attribute under the context node would have been enough.
Then you do the following (after current has been set by the standard coding):
1. Determine value of column 1.
value_column1 = current->get_property_as_string( iv_attr_name = '[column1]' ).
2. Determine value of column 2.
value_column2 = current->get_property_as_string( iv_attr_name = '[column2]' ).
3. Do concatenation
concatenate value_column1 value_colum2 into value_column3.
4. Set new value
value = value_column3
5. Ignore the remaining coding
Best regards,
Thomas Wagner