Hi ,
U can use in Window inbound plug IP_CREATE
DATA: lr_gdc TYPE REF TO if_crm_ui_data_context,
lr_bo_prop TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
lr_bo_prop1 TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity.
DATA: lr_ui_profile TYPE REF TO if_crm_ui_profile.
DATA: lv_profile TYPE crmt_ic_configprof.
* Validation to check the Business Role
lr_ui_profile = cl_crm_ui_profile=>get_instance( ).
lv_profile = lr_ui_profile->get_profile( ).
IF lv_profile = 'ZABC' .
CLASS cl_crm_ic_a_vehmcontrolle_impl DEFINITION LOAD .
lr_gdc = cl_crm_ui_data_context_srv=>get_instance( ).
IF lr_gdc IS BOUND.
lr_bo_prop ?= lr_gdc->get_entity( 'CURRENTCUSTOMER' ).
lr_bo_prop1 ?= lr_gdc->get_entity( 'CURRENTSERVICEREQUEST' ).
IF lr_bo_prop IS NOT BOUND AND lr_bo_prop1 IS NOT BOUND.
* Throw Error Messsage
DATA: lr_msg_service TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_message_service.
lr_msg_service ?= view_manager->get_message_service( ).
lr_msg_service->add_message( iv_msg_type = 'E'
iv_msg_id = 'ZCRM'
iv_msg_number = '001' ).