I'm novice in CRM
I have added some fields to an already made Survey "SVY1" that became "SVY3" ver.1 in my DEV 100 system 4 months ago,
I could not transport the Survey that time, so I discovered I could export to XML , then import in DEV 300 and PR system, and worked.
Now somebody is programming an addition to "SVY3" functionality, and he tells me about table CRM_SVY_RE_QUEST,
He tells me a query to CRM_SVY_RE_QUEST in DEV 100 with SURVEY_ID = SVY3 , shows the records corresponding to SVY3 questions,
but when I made the same query in DEV 300 and PR systems I get nothing.
I have been asked to "transport" those records to DEV 300 and PR systems, but I don't know about CRM_SVY_RE_QUEST table.
How are those records created ? ,
How to transport them ?
Please help
Thank you