Thank you all. Your inputs are very valuable. I am still not able to figure solution out.( Sorry am new to IC web) . I am providing all the details below hope you guys can suggest something. requirement is to call GSTEXT/LIST or GSTEXT/TEXT ( whichever works!) from IUICCON.
1. Implemented p_getter method in component IUICCON(View ContractListEnd) for field NUMBER_INT to create link. Created Event Handler - EH_ONTO_ITEM_DISPLAY. For this Copied the code from event handler EH_ONLK_CONTRACT. Only change I did is set navigation link as
CALL METHOD cl_iuiccon_utils=>build_iuiccon_nav_coll
iv_bottomviewname = 'cugstext'
ir_entity = line_item
ir_collection = lr_cw.
2. On Click it calls component IUICCOND. I have added GSTEXT as subcomponent to this IUICCOND.
3. Added CUGStext Interface view MainWindow to Viewset. IUICCOND?ContractDeatilsVS.
4. I was getting error navigational link 'cugstext' not present between IUICCOND/Contractnavigation and IUICCOND/CUGStext.MainWindow.
As this is what I am passing from IUICCON . So I created that as well.
When I click on the field 'Item' NUMBER_INT , it displays nothing just the top view not the detail view.Please see below:
However when I click on contract number 30213512 field 'Contract' it displays the IUICCOND detail view.
I was hoping I should see ATLEAST the Main View of the GSTEXT like this:(required Result)
In paint I created this picture :
I Did the context binding as well . However I believe I don't know if I am right , without binding also atleast I should see the view.
For Binding I am copying the code from Component IUCONI , its using GSTEXT as sub component. Its creating a custom controller with nodes TEXT and ATRRIB and in method ON_FOCUS_NEW its populating the nodes. IN my case when I tried to replicate , The methods
ON_NEW_FOCUS are not getting triggerd.. is this the problem?
Do I need to initialize these nodes in WD_USAGE_INTIALIZE? If yes how can I populate lr_ent? in WD_USAGE_INTIALIZR. in ON_NEW_FOCUS method its like this:
lr_ent ?= focus_bo.
Sorry I know its a long post, but I am totally stuck