Hi Tejaswini ,
step 1: i have created smart form and declared its structure (etc)
step 2: I have created button on BT112H_SC Component overview page
step 3: I have created event behind the button : EH_PrintQuote
step 4: i have add code in do handle event for that event
step 5: In the event "EH_PrintQuote" i am fetching data from various Function module and Context node and storing in internal table .
step 6: I have called smart form related function Module
step 7: I have passed all data in smart form
step 8: Convert to OTF format
step 9: Now create BSP application controller (name : quote.pdf) of my component by going into se80
step 10: i have redefine Do_request method of that BSP controller
step 11 : Now on "EH_PrintQuote" i have called that controller reference and
and open that in standard popup .
step 12. now I have export all data OTF convert data via "SAP memory"
step 13: I have import that data in Do_request method of BSP controller do_request method
step 14: And pass into its methods
Step 15: Now once i click on "EH_PrintQuote" button its call BSP controller methods "Do_request" and
CALL METHOD response->if_http_entity~append_data
length = lv_size.
CALL METHOD response->if_http_entity~set_header_field
name = 'content-type' "#EC NOTEXT
value = 'application/pdf'.
pass the value and open it as popup and Smart form get displayed with valued filled .
Please let me know if you need more information .I will also post every thing step by step that later on .
Regards ,
Rishi Verma