I have a viewset QuestionnaireTabVS with a view area TABS which has two views QuestionCondnsVS (default) and View QuestionRisksVS.
When a variable say GV_TAB is set as 'Questions' it navigates to the QuestionCondnsVS view and when the variable GV_TAB is set as 'Risks' it navigates to the QuestionnaireRisksVS.
This view set QuestionnaireTabVS is contained in an overview page which has two Radiobuttons. It works fine when the first radiobutton is selected, i.e, when I click on the Questions it renders the QuestionCondnsVS view and when I click on the Risks it renders me the QuestionRisksVS view .
Problem is when I had clicked the RISK tab first and then selected the another radiobutton the rendered view QuestionRisksVS doesnt get removed
but is present there by default which I dont want.I want the QuestionCondnsVS view to be present there by default after the second radiobutton is selected. I tried to refresh all the controllers but somehow it navigates to the QuestionRisksVS only .
So i thought to call the .htm page of QuestionCondnsVS forcefully from the QuestionnaireTabVS.htm page as soon as I select the another radiobutton.
Can I call a .htm page of QuestionCondnsVS from another .htm page of QuestionnaireTabVS? If yes then how or any other suggestion is welcome