Hi Ezhno,
I assume you are trying to read the available context nodes dynamically instead of hard coding the names. If this is the case try the code below:
DATA: obj_desc TYPE REF TO cl_abap_objectdescr,
context_node_names TYPE TABLE OF abap_attrname.
FIELD-SYMBOLS <attribute> TYPE abap_attrdescr.
obj_desc ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_object_ref( me->typed_context ).
LOOP AT obj_desc->attributes ASSIGNING <attribute>.
APPEND <attribute>-name TO context_node_names.
Note that this will return a list of all attributes. If you enhanced a context you will receive the names of the enhanced context nodes as well as the ones from the super class. However, it is quite easy to filter the relevant context node attributes based on the elements of the abap_attrdescr.