Hi experts,
I createda copy of thestandardopportunityto createa personalizedopportunityto be calledfrom aroleZ.This new opportunityis called from acopy of standard roleIC_AGENT (ZIC_AGENT).
When we createthe opportunity and save the opportunityremainseditable and not locked. If we execute the creation of the opportunity from a Z role copy of sales standard role works fine.
We have seen that when the eventSAVE (EH_ONSAVE) runs and execute the method save inside the class cl_crm_uiu_bt_tools at line 49 execute the following code:
** document is not a service confirmation
lr_access = cl_crm_uiu_bt_channel_asp_fac=>get_instance( ).
lv_edit_after_save = lr_access->if_crm_uiu_channel_aspects~keep_edit_mode_after_save( ).
This code causes the opportunity is not locked and remaining editable. What means the message "document is not a service confirmation"?
Can anybody help us?
Thanks and kind regards,