Honestly I don't know why you are pushing that answer? I have worked on this solution since 2001 and have built extensions manually and hated it. I really don't know why with the AET available that anyone would consider this, unless they are on a release without AET.
CI_EEW_CUSTOMER_H isn't included in the BI structures(more manual work) and also is not included in Webclient Query Search/Result objects. AET takes care of all of that with button click. It's not just that simple to say put a field in CI_EEW_CUSTOMER_H and life is good.
Finally sometimes you need to tell people that the approach is wrong. If you give people just the answer on how to solve a problem, but the fundamental approach is wrong, you are setting them up for failure. I share my knowledge sometimes because I don't want other people to repeat my painful mistakes . I have to apologize for not being as active here as I was five years ago, but my approach hasn't changed in challenging requirements that do not make logical sense. That being said I'm making sure in the next revision of my book that I put a better "rant/explanation" on when to use the various enhancement tools in CRM and when not to use them.
Take care,