This is totally doable.
You can create your own collection and set it to the given context node.
Something like that :
*__ Creation of new collection CREATE OBJECT lr_newcol TYPE cl_crm_bol_bo_col. TRY. lr_it = iv_col->get_iterator( ). IF lr_it IS BOUND. lr_entity ?= lr_it->get_first( ). WHILE lr_entity IS BOUND. *__ Here do some custom test for filtering IF "criteria is OK to add entity to collection". *__ Add entity to collection lr_newcol->add( lr_entity ). ENDIF. lr_entity ?= lr_it->get_next( ). ENDWHILE. ENDIF. CATCH cx_crm_genil_model_error. CATCH cx_sy_ref_is_initial. ENDTRY. *__ Now set collection to context node me->typed_context->customers->set_collection( lr_newcol ).
Hope this helps,
Best regards,