Leon, thanks for the help and clarification.
That's right, we really read the data from DB only at the first time, more interesting thing is why GT_Recent_Objects content in DO_INITIAL_LOAD( ) of CRM_BSP_RECOBJ/RecentObjects is not synchronized with the same attribute inside of ON_ENTITY_DELETED( ) of CL_CRM_BSP_RECENTOBJECT0_IMPL instance which we got after execution of get_instance( )?
I suppose that we are working with the same instance and thus if we update it's value inside of method of component «A», we have to receive absolutely the same values in other method of component «B».
And in my case if we update GT_Recent_Objects in delete item process and are redirected to another page we still can see deleted item in recent items block in spite of fact, that table GT_Recent_Objects has been updated already. I checked this value in debugger and saw, that this table is not updated until we call DO_INITIAL_LOAD( ) which will retrieve data from DB.