i have created my Z genil class, Bol object and Web UI component. However i do not have Z BOR object.
Now i would like to enable the user to add attachments to the Genil Objects.
I have added GS_CM component usage to my Web UI component.
I have created context node CMBO in my view and controller.
The problem is that buttons "New", "Url" and "With template" of the attachment component view are not active.
I have performed a test in debug mode: "ON_NEW_FOCUS" of the CMBO context node of type GS_CM.
I have passed values for an existing BOR object in the parameter for the query gc_query_bo_link:
sample code for passing data for an existing BOR object (BPartner) to the initialization of CMBO component.
lr_qs = cl_crm_bol_query_service=>get_instance( cl_crm_cm_genil_comp=>gc_query_bo_link ).
" Here i have passed values for an existin BOR object and then attachment component view is working.
" If i pass here GUID of my Z object -> attachment copmponent view is with inactive buttons.
ls_cmbo_prop-instid = '<some_BOR_object_GUID>.
ls_cmbo_prop-typeid = <BOR_OBJ_ID>.
ls_cmbo_prop-catid = 'BO'.lr_qs->set_properties( ls_cmbo_prop ).
With this sample test - CMBO component is working -> buttons of the CMBO component are active and i'm able to attach link/file to the CMBO component.
When i later open BOR object(BPartner) i can see the attachment.
My question is - is it possible to add attachment component to a Z object witout having a BOR object...